Originally Posted by IMGTX
Do you think it's because of people skipping out on insurance they used to buy, more people making claims to "get free money" wink wink nudge nudge, or gov regulations hurting profits, or ???

Mayor of Detroit says 60% of Detroiters dont have insurance. THATS THE MAYOR SAYING THAT. My son in law, Detroit police officer, said its WAY north of 60%. Said ONLY people with insurance are suburbanites stopped on their way to or from work in Detroit.

Just heard a radio talk show where the insurance agent STRONGLY suggested upping your "uninsured motorist" coverage. Hell, I didn't even know that was a thing. If I was King, if you ILLEGALLY didn't have insurance (or a license, or a registration) you car would be SEIZED and sold. But we have become wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to soft.

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