Originally Posted by volaredon
Next (related) question
I know that their pads are rated by color.
I don't know the progression of colors, which is softer, harder,
Which are daily driver grade, which are next step, which recommended for towing, etc?
How do each grade "behave" regarding noise, longevity, rotor wear, heat build up, etc?
For the moment I'm only doing the fronts, will do the backs when the existing ones wear out.
I'm hoping the existing front pads are 1/2 remaining or better, if not I'll probably have to buy some local which won't be EBC ones... (I don't have time before next campout to order a set of their pads)
I didn't order a pad and rotor set when I got the rotors coming because I didn't know which ones of theirs were "good"/ "better"/best since I have never used EBC pads

Do some reading on their site. I believe the daily driver ones are ultimax. I find the dust objectionable. The color grades tell how track oriented they are and you might need to warm the brakes up before they start to bite. I would go back with oem pads unless you don’t care about dust, if you can live with that their daily pads will net you a bit better performance that you can tell right away.

I want my fair share