Originally Posted by CMcAllister
Just Rolled In... it's like a documentary of why I'm not in auto repair anymore.

100% Truth. You get the work order, it says replace four tires, but then the job comes in and the suspension is practically falling off the car, there's no exhaust, driver is sitting on a bucket and only one tail light works. So you suggest some repairs for OTHER peoples' safety - only to get reamed out by the knowledgeable owner about how he takes good care of his automobile.

Not that I stayed in auto repair for very long; but the amount of times I heard "Just change the oil, I can't afford the filter" was gut-wrenching.

But then I guess I was on the receiving end not long ago with that one mechanic who felt that 1/4" wheel spacers were deadly and he refused to do any work to my car after that and he didn't want his "Red Seal" name attached to it. Never heard of a "Red Seal" mechanic before.... Welder yes, but not a mechanic. Maybe I am out of the loop.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....