Thank you, that was great, I watched 10 mins will finish tonight after i get back from Sebring. I now know what I will do with a souvenir from 1966 Daytona Firecracker 400. Richard Petty in his Plymouth blew his engine right in front of us entering turn one big time. Back in those days it put on quite a show when an engine at speed blew with the wet sump engines. It put Richard pretty hard into the outside wall. It injured his neck, which led him to develop "the Petty Strap" for the races next in the season. It might be thought of a as very crude early Hans device. It was merely a strap hooked from the top of the left shoulder harness to the helmet, as in Richard words, to reduce the g forces on the neck in turns.

So I had brought my best friend in elementary school to this race, and since the rules back then were much more relaxed, after the race we decided to walk out on the track and climb up to where Richard wrecked against the concrete wall. It's very steep. We had time to kill, as it took hours to clear out the infield with all the traffic. So we are up near the wall and my friend finds a Petty blue freshly broken oily CI piece of I believe Richard's engine block. He doesn't know what he is holding, but I did. He asks if I want it. I did not hesitate to respond. I feel guilt to this day taking it.

But the joke is on me. My friend, Bob Rahilly, went on to become a Nascar team owner winning a couple dozen races including the World 600 with Neil Bonnet.

I'll make up a plaque and mount the engine block fragment, with this story, and send it to the kids of the man who built that engine.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.