I stand corrected on which vehicle has 14k pre orders. I see all media outlets- legacy and internet/social all giving glowing endorsements about EVs that are not even available to buy. EVs are not coming because the public wants them- they're coming because they're being forced. Just because they're forced does not mean the public wants. Fanboys all remark how the first automobiles were shunned because the horse and buggy was what people liked. The ice automobile overtook the horse and buggy only when Henry Ford made an AFFORDABLE car.... AND private (Yes very rich) individuals invested in selling gasoline at stations (I'm aware there was probably some government subsidies in building the stations). So you had the affordable car and appropriate infrastructure to fuel them and gone was the H&B. EVs have been around for over 100 years- had tons of offered $$ subsidies throughout the past century yet they have not taken off. None of them are affordable and no rich folks are clamoring to invest their money into building recharge stations in any meaningful quantity. Yea they accelerate quickly- more so than the gas car. Big deal. Gas cars are affordable, burn clean (meet government emissions when sold new), can be serviced by the owner and/or numerous shops, can be refueled at one of the 145,000 stations in the US and can be refueled to max in under 5 minutes. Yes ICE vehicles emit pollutants but so do the 3,400 fossil fuel-fired electrical power plants active in the US.

Keep old mopars alive.