My niece doesn't drive and will probably never drive as long as she lives in Chicago. Just no interest in another responsibility.

My son walks to work and has a drivers license. His mother is a crazy driver and had an accident that put her in the hospital for a month when he was five. After a broken arm and leg from bike injuries he just would rather walk.

Growing up on a farm a drivers license was the only way to get miles away from work quickly. I couldn't wait for the comfort of being away from work when I was a kid. Most kids don't have that issue and would rather stay home.

56 Plaza 63 D100 step side 67 Coronet, 68 Roadrunner, 69 Super Bees, 69 Coronet 500 convertible, 70 Roadrunner Post, 79 D150 360, and a severe case of Mopar a,d,d