Originally Posted by SomeCarGuy

Family can do the worst to people, far worse than an outsider. I learned early on just how bad it can be. Not sure why that is, you’d think family would have your back as the world is such an unforgiving place, but alas that isn’t the case. Our family business is long gone, untold amounts of money unaccounted for, inheritance swindled, and I’ve got quite a few that have no concept of what they did being wrong and therefore it’s been decades since I’ve spoken to them.

I do not anticipate ever speaking to any of the family involved nor those that took advantage of what we offered when help was needed. I do have a saying I use that applies, "Lessons paid for are best remembered" and I paid dearly.

To SRT, I appreciate your advice but it's likely out of budget.
To 360 View, thank you for your suggestions which I will look at but at this point the re-caulk with an 8 year warranty is appealing as I'm not getting any younger and can't even grasp what the driveway would cost to replace.
I do have another well know concrete company coming out to get their input. their specialty is stabilizing anything that is concrete and existing but moving.
To all thank you for taking the time to respond. I will update after the "stabilizers" look it over beer