About this clip:
Here are some sightings of Sean in his Charger Daytona. Each of the two clips starts with a small white dot in the rear-facing view, which quickly forms into a much larger white mass on my tail. Sean says that I may have one mph top end on him in the straight, but I think he is just being generous. Clearly, I am out-classed everywhere else on the track.

Two interesting points:
An example of why I always seem to be driving like a little-old-lady through the hump in turn 6 can be seen at 2:30, when I try just a LITTLE more loud pedal on that turn.

At 6:05, Sean can be seen coming under me on turn 2, at which point he promptly runs out of gas right in front of me (gee, thanks...). Once he gets to the downhill side of the omega, he has full power again, enough to make it to the pits.

Down to just a blue car now.