Originally Posted by JF_Moparts

Very nice! I was preoccupied with my car and it's issues, but how did your blue Challenger do? Did you spin out on turn 3, or was that someone else? I would have loved the chance to spin out on turn 3, for the record. smile

Car did fine. Drove back to San Diego Friday midday, and drove back up Saturday AM for two days in Van Nuys.

No spins or other unintended excursions for my blue car.

I am still editing videos, but for now...

...another blue car off track in turn 3 was not actually a spin, but is captured for posterity:

About this clip: We pick up the action late in a morning session. I am following a blue Mustang for one lap, beginning with his successful negotiation of turn 3. The next time through this turn... not so much.

Driver was physically unharmed, and the Ford sustained some RF suspension re-arranging.

Down to just a blue car now.