Originally Posted by 68rrunner
Originally Posted by Pacnorthcuda
Originally Posted by JP8
Originally Posted by 68rrunner
No instructors out there to show you guys the line? All 3 of you guys were all over the place.

Jeebus! Chill out guy.

I agree.

I bet the guy in the Mustang wishes he'd gotten proper instruction.
But like I said, what do I know. Only been a certified race instructor for over 10 years.
Speed safe fellas.

And this, my friends, is a shining example of why I almost never post on Moparts anymore.
To create this thread, I set aside my policy of avoiding this place like the plague, because Tim is holding on by the skin of his teeth with these track days.
What AllTime Racing needs is more newbies willing to come out to the track to learn some skills (from non-judgemental instructors, not know-it-alls), and more importantly, have some fun.
There are a dwindling number of venues where someone with a fast car can legally and safely stretch it legs.
And too many of those venues are intimidating to the newbie. Not so, at AllTime Racing events.

It is encouraging to see a member bust his hump getting his carburation sorted, and when he suffers the disappointment of ps pump problems STILL wistfully observe that he wishes he had a chance to spin out in three.
That kind of guy needs to be built up with some attaboys, encouraged to try again next time, and NOT be concerned that some balls-to-the-wall builder/racer will view ONE SINGLE LAP of his performance and condescendingly belittle him.

Here are some points to consider for know-it-alls who may indeed Know It All:
Life is not a zero-sum game - there is not less fun for you on the track, just because someone else is having fun on some other track on some other day.
This is a TRACK DAY. It's not a NASA, SCCA, or even a VARA race.
Maybe snicker to yourself when you see what you consider to be bumbling amateurs, rather than tearing them down online, so you can be Mr Skilled Racer (are you really that insecure?).

I spend considerable time and effort staging and feeding batteries and memory cards into multiple cameras during track days, and then spend about ten-fold additional hours later in synchronizing and editing that footage.
The few dozen subscribers who follow my modest little YouTube channel seem to appreciate the effort.
My track day friends likewise look forward to getting some screen time that they can review later, and show to their family and friends.
YouTube comments have trolls drop in sometimes, just like here. Without fail, they have no content of their own to offer as an example of better work.
A similar situation is when I suggest "Please post your Big Willow track videos involving three synchronized camera views", and the response is [admittedly stylish] still photographs, obliviously shot by someone else.

As an aside, the "guy in the Mustang", was feeling pressured by yours truly, and made a simple mistake, pushing too hard in a morning session.
This was his first day back on the track after undergoing open heart surgery.
Go ahead, ridicule him some more.

At this point, someone with a modicum of class would apologize and go away. Or maybe just simply go away.
I don't suppose either will happen, but hey, a boy can dream...

(More YouTube videos to come)

Down to just a blue car now.