Originally Posted by Dart 500
Originally Posted by SomeCarGuy
Timing in and out is a losing deal.

What a ridiculous statement. I jumped in with both feet in March 2020 during the crash and saw almost everything pump 45-50%. My Ford stock went from $7.00 to $22.00 or something alone. I just wish I sold it at that, when they are volatile, you also be volatile

Problem with this game plan, and you alluded to it, is timing.

Marketwatch has an online "game" where you invest money into the market, everything is real but the money you use. It's supposed to be a training type thing. One thing I learned is that if you are going to play the volatile timing game you had better be in front of the computer ready to trade when ever the market is open. I have a real job that pays real money that doesn't allow me to sit in front of the computer ready to trade. So while I generally make a few bucks over all I don't see big gains because I cannot hit the timing. Heck, I've lost money even being in front of the computer because I wanted a little bit more and the bottom fell out, lol.

As the song goes, you got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away and know when to run. Learning that is the toughest part of playing the volatile market game and exactly why I am still playing on Marketwatch and not in the game for real.