Originally Posted by crackedback

Is it in an IRA or tax deferred pre-income tax plan now? If it is, there should be no real restriction on moving to self directed IRA. Not know what the actual investment vehicle is, same as another comment I saw early...

I'm in California, what's wrong with my truck transmission?

Way too much missing info to make any kind of suggestion. You mentioned it was in an IRA, then say it is above IRA limits. If already in an IRA, the limits that are allowed for contributions don't apply because it's a transfer.

No, it is not in or from an IRA, the $$ are taxed money from a CD that was about to roll over. I closed it out and have the funds sitting in an account trying to figure out where to put them for the next 3-5 years.
Hoping by then things will have stabilized a bit more. The confusion may have come in when I mentioned there were other accounts. but I am not concerned with those at this time BTW the amount? 100k+/ - And to reiterate we are not gamblers when it comes to investing.