There is a guy who calls himself Stan the Annuity man who has a lot of online resources to learn about annuities.

As previously mentioned, annuities are not very well regarded by financial experts. A lot of smoke and mirrors, and snake oil in their marketing. Salesmen get high commissions and bonuses for selling them, including perks like cruises. Somebody’s coming out ahead with these and it’s probably not the customer!
This is too bad, as the idea of exchanging money for a guaranteed income stream is appealing, that is what a pension is after all.
I’m am working with a financial planner to get myself ready for retirement, this winter at age 60 is my plan now. I’ve been investing since college and reading financial articles and literature for 40 years, so consider myself pretty financially savvy. What I’m finding from working with the advisor is that I’m pretty ignorant about taxes. Saving a lot during one’s working life is only part of the battle, tax strategy is the other. Taking distributions from your 401K and IRA can kick your butt tax wise, not just taxes on the distributions but on your social security. No one tells you that during your working career when employers and “experts” tell you to save as much as possible in your 401K.
A YouTube financial advisor I like is Josh at Heritage Wealth Planners. He’s a no BS type guy with interesting viewpoints.