Dave has some baggage that is for sure and it is evident by the chip on his shoulder.

The few times I have conversed with him he reminded me of a grumpy ex-smoker two days after they quit cold turkey LOL.

I think it is best for both parties to order online and keep everything in writing.

Is Kevin still there? He was good on the phone if I am remembering correctly.

Who else sells a hardened oil pump drive with a melonized gear installed?

I will add that a fair share of grumpy, borderlime angry people occupy machine shops. All you can do is feel sorry for them and be glad that you don't wake up with that attitude in your own head. I can understand frustration on the customer's end when the vendor has no respect for your concern around spending a pile of hard-earned money and then acting like you are wasting their time. If you work on old cars or sell old car parts retail you can expect most of your customer demographic will be hobbyists and you must treat them as such. Often this includes taking time to learn about their car and the history of their ownership and that is just the nature of the business. Don't give me that old time is money BS because we have someone that handles those types of things full time and it pays off in the long run.