Previous owner of my car got into a bout with a Veyron a few years back with the car. On I75 in Cincinnati Ohio
Starting from about a 45 mph roll kick. And Up to about 100 mph give or take a few ,,,,,,,they were close to one another.

After that the Bugatti left him like he was standing still and he never saw it again.

A friend of mine owns a Bird, hemi, 4spd and 2.94 rear axle. That car will bury the speedometer quite easily.
I was in it coming out of level cross NC many years ago. It was a real long straight stretch of hiway and not another car in sight. ...So whats a guy do ,,,,,,, he floored it .

I can honestly say at those speeds everything / anything like road signs, trees , painted center line markers , etc etc go by in a blur . Its a lot faster in person than any film can ever show you what it fees like in in the seat of the car. TRUST me .
I'm glad i did it, and lived to tell about it. But not sure I have the Knads to do it again 30 plus years later

This is THAT car .