Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by moparx
Originally Posted by John_Kunkel
Disappointed, I expected "the lines on the road just look like dots". grin

"the guard rails looked like a picket fence"............[from a song i forget who sang/talked, possibly the same one as above ? shruggy]

Hot Rod Lincoln by Charlie Ryan

From the Comander Cody version with 8 cylinders instead of Charlie Ryan's 12.

Now the boys all thought I'd lost my sense
And telephone poles looked like a picket fence.
They said, "Slow down! I see spots!
The lines on the road just look like dots."
Took a corner; sideswiped a truck,
Crossed my fingers just for luck.
My fenders was clickin' the guardrail posts.
The guy beside me was white as a ghost.
