FWIW the Goodwin stuff, ie 600-13xxx or whatever they call it sure seems capable in the couple that are out there. The cast intake for the 99 can be over come if one doesn't mind spending the $$. Be the same stuff we were forced to do in NA10.5 when we had a large weight break for a cast intake. But it can get really expensive, think two sheet metal intakes for the cost of one cast intake. While I have not ever really given it alot of thought but might be interesting to look at a 99 and see what if any cast intakes out there could be cut up to work. Like was done with the B1TS stuff back in the day. May not be so difficult now alot ore stuff out there. I know of a certain B1TS deal that has two cup intakes cut up and welded to gether in ordr to make the cast intake rule work for them.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"