Originally Posted by Cab_Burge
I wonder how much MPH the car will pick up with the back window in work

LOL I might not know comparatively. Because it is legal to run without and at the moment if it'll delay me getting out another week, I'll skip it. Running without it goes against all the help that's tolerated me putting the extra time into the looks. We struggled with it for about an hour/learned some things and it'll eventually go in soon. I'm sorry I havent figured out how to link the FB vids but Michelle did post the video of my second hit at Lapeer which is decent ...ON YOUTUBE so if you click on the vid here someone nicely linked and then click on Michelle's name it'll show the other vid. The sound is good. There is a good amount just watching the vid to know what needs done yet, thanks to a few that have critiqued. The one neat thing about this track is the 'enclosure' the track is within contains the sounds. You gotta remember, these are the first tests in the car, I'm just getting comfortable/familiar with things in general. People kept texting Michelle about #'s what did it run, she's asking me and although I felt it was pulling strong at points there was no way to quantify. But as i was unloading the car I remembered seeing a 3.8x on one ticket and once i looked closer, it felt good to think it's going to run OK. Nothing broke, nothing leaks, everything is still tight, I never opened the hood to check ANYTHING while i was there. Yeah the chassis needs and is getting some adjustments now, I'm near the point where I am enjoying the fruits of the sacrifices.