i have erie insurance, the guy that hit me has state farm.
as this car is old, i just have liability on it, but WAY more than is necessary, just in case i or my wife cause an accident.
i'm man enough that if either of us cause an accident, i'll bite the bullet and fix our stuff my self, and erie will pay for the damages we cause.
however, if someone else wacks us, it's a way different story !
erie has already said they won't cover the damage, and i don't expect them to. i believe state farm needs to step up, but i believe it will take some prodding from me for them to do so.
if this was like every other 93-97 concorde in the state of pennsylvania, it wouldn't be such a big deal.
this car is NICE, and we have decided long ago, this will last us the rest of our time[s] here. if WE wad it up bad, off to the boneyard it will go, and we will find something else.
as it is, we are most certainly going to fix it.