Never been on Amazon and don't plan to. Their business ethics rate right there with Best Buy.

Hearing now reading this series, they do the same thing as Walmart, where they're listing things for other sellers on the company website, is enough to re-confirm my decision to keep away.

Tried that once on the Walmart web site. Ordered a higher end water softener, from someone else, posted on the Walmart site. Listing addressed everything I was looking for, specs just was I was looking for, dimensions were perfect, good price, 'guaranteed shipment in 24 hrs' was mentioned several times in the listing. They even listed their phone number to call for questions, after sale support, etc. Timing was important for this deal so I went for it.

My credit card was charged the next day.

Then, nothing. No activity on the order. Repeated emails from me got no response. I started calling on day 3. Phone never answered, no answering machine.

Day 5 I called Walmart. The poor person who took my call tried to tell me I needed to address the issue with the seller or my credit card company. I came on a little strong at that point. Got connected with someone else who tried to reach the seller as well. No answer. Walmart rep finally assured me they would get my card credited. The person acknowledged they were having some problems with some of their website sellers. I did get the credit 2 days later.

From then on, I won't order anything that isn't clearly being sold by Walmart.

Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way