I just pulled up my Amazon account, it shows I've been a member there since 2002. The fact I've had only one issue that wasn't my fault in all that time seems pretty good to me. If anything, this should be a positive post, not a negative one.

I agree they are not necessarily the cheapest on everything, but you still can't beat the convenience. Just not having to deal with traffic, screaming brats, and bad employees, makes it even more worthwhile to me. And now that they have pickup 'hubs' at various locations close to me, I don't have to worry about my stuff getting snatched off my doorstep before I get home.

My most expensive mistake was about 5 yrs ago. I wanted to buy a Chromebook and they had them on clearance. The one I was looking at had two distinct models, the difference being what apps you could download (basically android vs apple). I had an android phone at the time and didn't have an issue, so I went with the android app one. Found out too late that it pretty much wouldn't download ANY additional apps. Even just 'basic' things like YouTube or even Facebook (for example) it wouldn't do it. Being on clearance, I couldn't return it or even exchange it. Between the cost of the book and the cover for it I bought, I ended up with a $200 paperweight.

I'll watch my cards, but I don't suspect a problem.



The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥