Originally Posted by DaveRS23
Originally Posted by a12rag
Why is it so hard for people to believe an "old car" can't be driven cross country ???

You're kinda missing the point on this. It's not that this particular car is old. It's that it's old, mostly original and poorly maintained. Basically worn out. But it is a Mopar. Which, unlike a phord, doesn't have to be as good as new to go across the country.

And that always makes for a great road trip! It brings excitement to life.

I have to say, at 10 mpg with a slant 6, I would have spent some time looking for that gas leak when the car was in IL. Past that, the rest of the stuff is a "as long as it keeps moving, keep driving" event. If something breaks that you can't patch up, you can always get it hauled the rest of the way home. I think too many people are afraid of having a little trouble, that they miss out on a lot of fun stuff.

We drive our 48 Plymouth coupe all over the country, its probably a lot better maintained then this B Body is, but even with the new shiny paint on our coupe, people are always asking us if we drove the car to wherever we are when they see us. They have been programed to think a car has to be new to be reliable. Its kind of like the old Mopar guys that think a car has to have a carb on it to be reliable, but drive the newer stuff that probably has more then 100,000 mile of trouble free use. I worked in a gas station back in the early 70s, there were not many 60s & 70s car that survived past 100,000 miles. Maybe that is why people question driving the old cars so far from home... Gene