EV batteries are expensive. That's a fact. Even though they are primarily a product of unacceptably horrendous working conditions, mined in countries with zero environmental organizations and workers rights. Workers in life threatening low paid positions, dangerous byproducts pumped/poured into the lakes soil and air. How much would these batteries cost if the current miners got a decent wage? Currently the batteries are made with complete and total disregard to the human workers and environment. What if the miners had rights and protections? What if the mining companies had to not pollute and destroy where they mine? How much would the batteries cost if the workers had the same protections as we do and if the mining companies had to abide by the same rules US mining companies do. People conveniently ignore the NASTY process of mining materials and the making of these large batteries and instead focus on the alleged cleanliness of the EV. The green crowd is also the global human rights crowd but seem to give a pass to the destructive production process of lithium batteries.

Keep old mopars alive.