Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
I bought a 2009Accent several years ago for $300. Engine was trashed and it was wrecked in the left front. I transferred the title, paying the tax on the $300. Several months later I get a letter from the state of FL stating the sale price was less than the average value of the vehicle. They wanted signed letters from the seller and the buyer that the stated sale price was correct. Well I couldn't do that since the sale was facilitated through a third party, a service advisor that no longer worked at the dealership so I had no way to contact the seller since I didn't have their contact info. I called the FL DMV and explained the situation and why the car was so cheap. They told me to just send a letter explaining the cars condition and how I bought it. No problems after that.
Not every state is corrupt.

similar experiences here.

last fall i bought a 2009 VW Jetta so i could do a smyth ute project .i only paid $200 for the car. i also got a letter from the DMV saying i owed more taxes on my purchase a couple of months later.
the car was rusty as hell, covered under VW rust warranty and repaired for free. ( i did the repair work and have invoices billing VW $12K for rust repairs) it also didn't run. i had to put $2500 in parts to get it daily driver reliable. i still have to figure out a ECM check engine light so i still might have to buy a $1K factory ECM, now my cheap car might not be so cheap.
i took pics of the car when i bought it. i also sent copies of the parts invoices of everything i bought. i sent everything to the DMV and to my surprise about 1 month later i got a letter back stating i didn't owe anything for taxes.

Last edited by Mr T2U; 06/06/21 07:03 AM.

perception is 90% of reality