Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
Originally Posted by 71TA
Own a small business and see these leaches come out of the woodwork. I mean they are just employees but you'd swear they get a commission on what thyey collect they are so aggressive.

Small business owner pay tax on "personal property". So you basically have to pay tax on everything you insure or depreciate. All your vehicles, equipment, computers, etc. About 5%. EVERY EFFING YEAR. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS JUST FOR THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY AND EQUIPMENT SITTING IN THIER CITY. They actually want you to pay tax on every pencil and office chair. We already pay 100 other taxes. The government thinks like most employees, "It sold for $100 so they MADE $100" NO!!!!!! Rent, payroll, repairs, roof, pallet racks, parking lot, paint for the building, machine repairs, computers, utilities, and on and on. That $100 is only $20 profit IF YOU ARE DAMN LUCKY.

I always remember the story about John Wayne Gacey, the clown serial killer. He was a government flunky that would patrol neighborhoods and write tickets for lawns being too long. One person said he would bring a phone book of paperwork and pictures if you fought him in court. HE WAS A SERIAL KILLER!!!!

Gacey owned a small construction company, you are thinking of the BTK killer, Dennis Rader.

You are correct in your serial killer trivia smile

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