Molnar H-beam connecting rods, 7.100” long, 2.200” rod journals.

CH7100VTB8-A - ARP2000
These are basically longer BB Chevy rods, with the Chevy width that matches how Callies made my crankshaft.
Big End Width 0.992"
Pin End Width 1.065"
Thickness above the pin 0.207" My measurement.

Total__ Big___Pin
832.0 568.0 264.0 catalog total, estimated big/small end weights
827.3 565.6 261.7 My set’s weights as shown on the box label.

I checked four sets from the same batch while I was at Todd Marsh Performance. They were all close to my weights. Likely since all were made from the same batch at Molnar (Todd ordered all the sets at one time).


1993 Daytona, 5.50 at 130mph (1/8) 1.19 sixty ft (PG). Link to 572 B1 - Part 1