Originally Posted by feets
Originally Posted by Fat_Mike
What's in the back yards of these 4 houses? Is bringing in sandy soil to raise the lake floor an option?

I'm not paying to landscape 6 houses.

The middle of our block where our house is WAS the low spot. We asked the city for help. They said it was a "landscaping problem". I SHOWED THEM what a landscaping problem was and raised our yard 2 FEET. That was expensive and a BUNCH of trucks! Now the neighbors on each side have a lake a couple times a year. We asked if they wanted to "go in on it" to disperse the water equally. Guess who's kicking themselves.

"WATER ALWAYS WINS!" late Glenn Haege (home handyman radio show here in Detroit)

And we are gonna put an offer on a nice house on an island in the lake to the east of Detroit. An Army Corp of Engineers website has an online interactive map. It shows if water levels rise 2ft the whole island is underwater. Luckily the lake is at historic levels so I hope it can only get better not worse. At 58 if we can enjoy it for 20 years we'll do good smile

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