What's the size and condition of the meter base?..and also the entrance cable size/condition??
If an inside panel is upgraded in size, then a higher amperage meter base and larger entrance cable may be required depending on local code.
Since a generator and transfer switch are in the plans then you may as well upgrade the meter base too (depending on size and condition of what you have now), and install a 200 amp panel. Replacing the base and entrance cable isn't a difficult job to do if an electrician's cost is out of the price range
Don't skimp on the electric stuff. Go Square D...all the way. As stated already, they have been around for a long time. Any other brand...buy extra circuit breakers just in case they go out of business. A lot of panels have been replaced because breakers were no longer available. My 95 yr old house had one of those old "push-o-matic" panels.

Originally Posted by Stanton
.... A 200amp panel is a waste of money. A 100amp panel is fine for pretty much any home...

A 200 amp base does not cost much more than a 100, plus there's room for expansion (seen many meter bases burnt up because of people running space heaters and whatever else on way overloaded circuits), and it's a bonus for when you sell the home...but then again, if it's a rickety 5 room shack with few circuits then a 200 amp would be a waste of money.

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