While I was asking in terms of backup power/generators, you made a great suggestion SRT6776.

My 'emergency' kit is a little more basic. I have two Colman propane powered single burners. I like the propane ones because propane is usually a little easier to find. For lights, I bought an Ozark Trail LED Lantern Set They're battery powered, but, I use rechargeable batteries and have a car charger for the batteries too. These lights are BRIGHT and will go for quite some time before needing fresh batteries.

And I have a huge cooler to keep things cold.

One thing I do regardless is ALWAYS keep two cases of water at both my place and my Mothers. While others are scrambling for water, I'm already set.

It was kinda funny in a sad way that people around here kicked into 'hurricane mode' when this ice storm hit. So many people complained about the loss of food due to no power, but it was 30 degrees or colder outside. Ummmmm.....hello? A majority of what I put outside, never thawed out. To my advantage though, both my Mom and I have outside closets, so it wasn't like we just set everything on the ground. Another thing people complained about was no water to flush toilets. Again, ummmm.....hello? Ice and snow everywhere out side, bring some in and melt it. It might take awhile to get a few gallons, but it can be done.


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥