It never hurts to try and be a good neighbor. I run a smoker and so does my buddy nextdoor. I tolerate his smoke and he tolerates mine. However, one night it was REALLY hot and I had to open up all the windows and he had some strange fire that didn't go out (he wasn't cooking any longer by then) and the smoke was terrible. I just texted him and asked if he could put the fire out, he said sorry and did. When he asks me to chill out on something (which is, like almost never) I do - happily - as an accommodation to a good neighbor.

So for the OP, I'd think about first building a friendly neighbor relationship and then down the road seeing if the neighbor could improve his technique and/or fuel to burn cleaner. This doesn't have to be a libtard vs. freedom issue - it's really just managing relationships and being a good neighbor both ways.

Trying to enjoy life!