
Brian, That 360-3 Manifold will be the last INDY part you'll be buying through me. I "got" it too..

You have a PM. So what the hell is everyone "getting"??
Is it me, or is this getting thrown waaaaaay out in left field??

That 4.250 bore crack was aimed as a joke conscerning porting templates, and as you can see by the pics, I went way beyond that.
I figured scottsmith harms was just joshin' me and so I figured why not "josh" him back.
As I see, he wasn't joking....so???

You know it's funny on here, when I think guys are serious, they aren't and just the opposite, when I think guys are kidding, they aren't!!

Anyone else have this happen? I can't be the only one????
So anyone care to share the "inside joke" with me??????????
Cause you guys got me on this one...and now it seems others are disturbed by it. Ofcourse.
Maybe this is why so many of the engine builders/machinists have left here because of crap like this!

Maybe the MODS should just scrap this post...


Brian Hafliger