Originally Posted by 440Jim

Cracked_back (4/6/2020) he wasn’t sold on the rebound. But the S&P is up 28% since then. He missed it.

Still not sold and this is ALL fed pump on low volume. The big players aren't in this and JMO, that should create some uneasiness. If the volume was higher and strong on up days, I might be convinced.

I'm not a buy and hold guy, don't give two piles of dung about how far up the market is from the lows. I trade an entirely different style and the gains I have dwarf any of the index market rebound. Some days I'll make 10%+ and the market is flat or down. The general trend is always up though for the longer term buy/hold folks. It's always wise to pay attention to the trend.

I did buy some LEAPS on BA when it was sub $100, so that's my long term approach.

Lots of ways to make a buck in the market.

Last edited by crackedback; 06/07/20 01:25 AM.