Originally Posted by Cometstorm
I don’t understand why utilities (as well as gold) have been so hard hit.

I thought they weathered downturns much better.

My Ameren and Nextera companies have really taken a hit...:along with everything else, including bonds!

Seems nowhere to hide, though I’m about 30% in paltry CD’s and cash in general.

Oh well, this too shall pass... and rebound heavily me thinks.

I still ain’t changin nuffin! cool


I believe I’m down about $400k on paper.

Haven’t lost a second of sleep.., popcorn

This happens when people have to raise cash. They sell what they can. Some investments can't get a buy bid high enough to raise cash.

BRKB is one of the safest bets because of the huge cash position. Buffet will ending up buying companies for pennies.

Joel you hit the lottery getting out MORL was down to $2 today.