Driving with emergency flashers on often happens in "clots", one monkey does it, and all the nearby monkeys do the same. It's been happening for decades, I can't believe it has only been until the past few years there is small outcry to stop it, and enforce it, It's flat out dangerous, it is narcissistic behavior, in that it says effectively, "watch out for me, I'm important, I don't care if you are distracted or mislead by my lights indicating an emergency while I drive at the the speed limit"

One of, IMO, the small road rage response behaviors I have been guilty of in the past while driving, I have flashed my high beams in sync with the flashing of the emergency lights of the car I'm following in front of me. Figure what is good for the goose, is good for the gander. whistling

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.