Was reminded of this one today........why do idiots drive with their hazards on because its raining?

Had some pretty good storms roll thru the Houston area today, and lucky me, got sent on a 100 mile parts run for my job at the height of the storms (Promaster vans SUCK btw, but that's a different matter). Saw a lot of cars, new and old, cheap and expensive, poking along in the rain with their hazards on. Not just when it was raining sideways, but in ANY amount of rain, even a sprinkle.

Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

Aside from being idiots, what was another thing these idiots had in common? Almost all of them did NOT have their lights on. I was taught to turn on my HEADLIGHTS in bad weather (low visibility) NOT my hazards.

If you're that scared of moisture, turn in your license and use Uber.

I'm going to my room and pulling the covers over my head.


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥