sounds like a Richard Pryor skit, funny

Originally Posted by Ramrod39
Not really related but a funny story.

A guy I went to high school with decades ago has become a bit of crazy old hermit. He just hangs out in his dumpy old house and smokes pot and watches TV. Anyway, he watched 20/20 or some other "news" show late one night while smoking a bunch of pot. The feature story was about people having sudden strokes. He wakes up in the middle of the night and his arm is numb and he has trouble moving it. He freaks out and calls 911, thinking he has had a stroke. They take him to the hospital and figure out that he was just laying on his arm oddly on the couch and the arm went to sleep. And of course, he was too cheap to have insurance so it cost him a boatload of money.

Some people...