Originally Posted by MarkM
Originally Posted by DaveRS23
Some more perspective; according to the CDC, there are between 12,000 and 61,000 U.S. deaths annually due to influenza. We have just now reached 9,000 Covid related deaths here.


This is not the normal flu. I keep seeing these numbers compared and it's a false equivalency. The infection rates double every three days and it can take up to two weeks before symptoms present themselves. The funny thing about tsunamis is you don't see them coming until they're right off the tip of your nose.

Well, according to the Mayo Clinic "It's unclear exactly how contagious the new coronavirus is."


If there is not enough data for the Mayo Clinic to determine just how contagious this virus is in comparison to other infectious diseases, how did you determine that what I posted is a 'false equivalency'? How fast do you think any other cold or flu spreads? Do you have any data on that?

Make no mistake, this virus can be fatal in certain instances. But it's mortality rate is not that much different that some other viruses. In fact, the SARS a few years ago had a mortality rate nearly 10 times what this one has. And there is no evidence that Covid-19 is any more contagious.

You are are sorta right when you say that this is not the 'normal flu'. Because it is not a flu at all. It's a cold, a chest cold. And there is no evidence that it's transmission rate is any higher than other Coronoviruses. It's just that it's spread has been very well documented.

My only point is that it is unclear to many why this particular virus has been given the attention it has. We have new colds and influenzas every single year. Which is why there is a different fly shot every year. A flu shot whose efficacy rate is only 40% to 60% a year. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/vaccines-work/vaccineeffect.htm

What is it about this particular cold that has us all at a standstill?

Master, again and still