Originally Posted by GoodysGotaCuda
Horrible, I just hope they get the local and Federal support they need.

There are still states that do not have stay-at-home orders in place yet. It's like the Katrina response all over again, just Nationwide.

Are medical professionals are being sent to the front lines without a firearm and have nothing to support their family if they are killed in action. This will change the course of our medical system.

The reason to do stay-at-home is not because your state is seeing high rates of the disease, it's to prevent those states not yet hard hit from eventually seeing high rates of the disease. Unfortunately, some states only seem to be reacting after it may be too late to 'flatten the curve'....the virus will come to those states, sooner or later.

The USA faced this sort of crisis before, almost 100 years ago. But with time comes the fading of memory and the value of hard-learned lessons. There is an excellent documentary on the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic here...


Granted, medicine today has progressed by light years, so has communications. But technology has also enabled disease to cross oceans in a matter of hours, whereas a steam ship in 1918 might take a week or more.