Originally Posted by KGorney
"Green lanes. For cities that want to increase electric car use, special lanes should be created for electric cars, providing an incentive for their use."

How does this help traffic flow?! Creating another lane that combines with the overall routing efficiently would help but that has nothing to do with electric cars. Seems like he slipped in a personal preference for electric car use arbitrarily.

You are correct, except I suspect self driving cars will more the likely be easier to integrate if electric, and since self driving cars will remove the nut behind the wheel, we can program in tailgating at 75?mph for everybody and merging will be a concern of the past.

"Here's one, if you are governed to 65 mph and the speed limit is 80 stay out of the left lane, loss of license for breaking that one"

This thought will not work IMO, somebody driving 65 when under the speed limit should be allowed to pass another slower car without fear of losing their license,

Its called compromise. If somebody must not be slowed by anyone else driving, they should take a helicopter. work

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.