That's all fine and dandy.

But maybe a case of simply one can't see the forest from the trees.

I've usually thought problem solving is best pursued by attacking the low hanging fruit first.

That being said, in my nearly 3 million miles driving experience over 5 decades, the most irksome and time wasting time spent on the road first centers around traffic accidents.

Now if one wants to prevent and/or reduce traffic accidents, good luck, until one can test for me first, I own the road, I don't care about safety or others, mindset, accidents will be part of driving. Self driving cars are the best prospect in the future for this problem.

However, it seems to me, there is zero effort, research or attention as to how to restore efficient traffic post accident or during rescue.

The traffic tie -ups once traffic has been stalled seems to last far after the accident has cleared, and runs in waves thru waiting traffic.

Rubber necking ought to be criminal, and enforced. Others lack of gory centered self control should not be something others have to bear.
Actually it seems the first responders are now intentionally blocking extra lanes with their vehicles for their own protection.
It also appears most are on over time pay while, and their is no one in charge to discharge and coordinate those non essential and doing little other then rubbernecking themselves..

In rush hour traffic back ups, the cost to society is significant, in lost time, wasted fuel, airborne pollutants from idling cars, breatning them, secondary breakdowns from overheating, etc, frustrated drivers re enforcing road rage, missed dinners with family, higher blood pressure, etc.

The accident has already happened, the injuries have already occurred, of course human life is the most important thing, but accidents do not happen in a vacuum, others also are paying a price, but nobody in charge seems to notice or care.

Decades back they finally figured out night time road construction in the big picture, made a lot of sense.

Make a plan to clear a traffic congesting accident, with a F1? pit crew style response team, put somebody in charge on every site, and document and study the response performance post accident..

Or just keep parking more fire trucks, and have PhD's tell us we can't keep widening roads, while traffic induced back ups keep happening.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.