Originally Posted by Hemi_Joel

On the freeway system, just remove the brakes from all cars on the entrance ramp. All traffic congestion is caused by drivers who use the brakes when they should have used the gas. If you take away the brakes, they will HAVE TO hit the gas to they don't get rear ended, they will HAVE to merge properly with that gas instead of the brakes for their own safety. Hemi Joels fantasy world, where everyone knows how to drive.

the biggest problem on the freeways are the rocket scientists that merge on the freeway UNDER the speed limit. this causes the other rocket scientists to slow down to let them merge into traffic.....when i went to traffic school to get my license the book said merge onto the freeway at slightly FASTER speeds and when driving on the freeway MAINTAIN your speed and let the merging traffic adjust to your speed.
if people actually did this traffic merging slowdowns would be almost nonexistent.

Last edited by Mr T2U; 01/29/20 08:08 AM.

perception is 90% of reality