The only reason there are two parties is one side can't steal all the money. The only difference is who they pay a little back to. As long as people have no problem with who they vote for spending like crazy and complain the other side is doing the same thing. Nothing will change. The whole time you're pointing fingers at each other they're both stealing us blind. No different that baseball NL or AL they play for whoever is paying them and have no trouble changing teams for more money. And just like baseball if they're on your team you love them and if they aren't or leave you hate em.

When they're in session here and out it the bars without a name tag or microphone in front of them you don't know who's who. Most are best friends in private. They trade votes across the isle so they can get up and look important when it involves their district and then return the favor. All they care about is getting reelected.

Last edited by second 70; 01/26/20 12:13 PM.