Originally Posted by Jjs72D
I knew a woman that worked as a sales rep for a commercial furniture sales company. They did not sell to the public but to corporations. She had to comply with their standards and practices which stated that their vehicles had to be no older than 3 years, be 4 passenger or larger and no pickup trucks or minivans. She had to pay for the vehicle herself, the company didn't even offer a vehicle allowance.

She could deduct mileage and such for business purposes. Not that it covered all the expense but that is a legal deduction. Kind of a normal requirement for customer facing employees in some cases, I know field services reps that had similar requirements placed on them, but they did get an allowance as well. In my case I am under similar requirements with one major difference. The company provides the vehicle and I am allowed to use it for personal use, costs me $160/mo for a 2019 Silverado 2500 4 door long bed. They pay for all the gas, maintenance, insurance etc. I doubt that if I had to foot the entire bill as a personal vehicle that my gas bill would be less than $160 a month. It would be a sweet deal, if only I didn't dislike pickups in general. So I drive a 51 Cambridge when not on the clock for the most part. Every now an then the truck comes in handy, like when I towed the Plymouth home, 12 hour round trip. Or getting concrete for my patio addition, plywood and sheetrock for the master bath remodel, etc. But when I didn't have a pickup my car did the chore.