So my $1,800 Banks billet converter failed and bit the input shaft off. Lasted 9 years and 200,000 miles worth of USE. 2004 4dr DRW 2WD, TST PowerMax CR set on 4 and 4 always. Called Banks to see if they rebuild and they wanted to sell me a new one. Told the guy that it failed and I wasn't buying another. The price quoted was $200.00 cheaper from 2009? shruggy I'll save the $1,000 tow bill next time no thanks to you. That's kind of on me. I guess it's time for the cheap, old truck, AAA ERS. It took me 13 hours from the time I broke down to 127miles away. So I call up ATS for a new billet input ($760), pump ($300) and one of their 5 Star converters ($1,300 something). So ATS took my $3,100 some odd bucks and sent me an e-mail for delivery 3-5 business days. So a week goes by, $450 car rental, I give them a call because I hadn't received anything and looking back on the e-mail, no tracking # provided. Turns out they don't even have the damn input! I'm horrified to find out where they get it so I didn't ask. confused Supposed to take delivery of their parts 10/5.