Originally Posted by HOT IN AZ
Are you going to restore the car or just gathering info?

I will never restore the car. Max Wedges were designed to be a race car, and my car has been a race car from day one. It only has 237 miles on the odometer and I am sure that is because the speedometer was connected when it was first raced.

I want to race it again, but I don't seem to have any free time. I just removed the wiring I installed in 1985/1986 and rewired the car with TXL wiring. I also installed new battery cable and a new master disconnect switch. It took three months. Even when I could only work an hour on the car, afterwords, I was happy, in a good mood, and felt a natural high.

I also have a block at the machine shop. All of my 1980's and 1990's blocks where bored on a Kwik Way, decked on a Storm Vulcan 85, and lifter bushings installed using BHJ lifter bore fixtures. I have had several of those blocks put in a Rottler F69A and they would not qualify. The bore centers and angle of the bores, and lifter locations were so far off it could not be corrected for my application. I finally gave the machine shop a block that would pass qualifying. It should be finished in the next few weeks.