Something is real fishy about that.

Edelbrock used (1)1403 and (1) 1404, the difference being one of them had an electric choke, for their dual quad setups when they used Performer carbs.

1403 P jets .086" S jets .095" Rods .065" x .052" spring orange (5")
1404 P jets .086" S.jets .095" Rods .065" x .052" spring orange (5")

They used 1803 and 1804 for the AVS dual quad setup.

1803 P jets .086" S jets .077" Rods .065 x .057" spring orange (5")
1804 P jets .086" S jets .077" Rods .065" x .052" spring orange (5")

MIght need to measure things and see what you really have and compare it to the Edelbrock dual quad cals.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.