Originally Posted By JMCarter
Since the thread has gone off course this far....while in north Indiana getting some paint work on my Motorhome I called and got a tour of both InTech and ATC which are located within a mile of each other in Nappanee. They have very different manufacturing processes with InTech being more “old school” and many more Amish craftsmen. They offer almost infinite customization, but both are great and I’d heartily recommend touring both before ordering either since they are a sizable investment. Don’t know about other all aluminum trailer manufacturers but if you plan on using it a long time they are far better investments. Gold Rush is generally the gold standard.

And yes, you can find great buys on class cars by visiting ClassRacer and Racing Junk; have bought and sold several on them. Think ClassRacer offers the advantage of easily seeing the seller’s history by reviewing his/her other posts and you can substantiate claimed performance using Nitro Joe’s stats and DRC.

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