Originally Posted By MI_Custumz
Was it only available on the A12 for 1969? I saw someone posted on facebook it was an A12 only color for 69. They also said F6 and Ralleye Green were the same, so not sure if it's true or not. Sparked my curiosity.

I think you misunderstood the answer to the F6/97 being the same colour. He was agreeing with you that they are different.

As for the Butterscotch/Bahama Yellow...he said the Butterscotch (Dodge Colour) was only available on A12 Super Bees (although I too have seen it on a 1969 Dart. I believe it was a Swinger 340 but I can't remember where I saved it on my computer lol) That could be another great topic to see if someone has the pics to back up a non A12 Bee with Code 96 Butterscotch paint.

Besides Road Runners what other Plymouths have you seen Bahama Yellow?
