
i know the feeling jim, i have spent 3 1/2year years with my project, i have run up every credit card i own, finally finished, however, are we ever finished? i had to take off around 6mths lost interest and had to get another credit card, ouch!

your car is looking awesome! keep up the great work and keep pluging along , look at the reward

Thanks. I closed out my credit cards when the banks all started doubling and tripling my interest rates - FOR NO REASON. I called them and asked why they were raising my interest rates even though I have never been late and always pay more than the minimum? Their answer was - new policy if you don't like it you can close the account and the interest rate will stay the same while you pay it off BUT DON'T BE LATE or it will jump up to the new interest rate.
Needless to say I closed them all and now I just use a debit card and "pay as I go". Gee, what a novel idea why hasn't our government thought of doing that?

Last edited by 68CoronetRT; 07/30/11 11:47 PM.