Originally Posted By SportF
MrT2U is right, its a tale.

AMC went out of business, ran out of money, but there is a law that says they have to keep making parts????

Its not true, belongs in the auto falsehood column.

you are wrong
there has to be a law in place for this reason...

there would be nothing stopping a company from
building a new car then not making parts for it.
so it is obsolete as soon as it needs a part and then you have to buy another to replace it.

this is a quote from a consumer protection lawyer on this very subject..
i was just wrong on the length,its 10 years

"the manufacturer is obligated to have parts for 10 years after they discontinue a model, and then after that if it was not a popular model they are not required. If you feel they should still have the part, based on the age and popularity of the vehicle, you can report the dealer to the state dealership licensing agency to see if they are violating state law or to the Fed. Dept of Trans. to see if they are violating the federal law in connection to this particular car and part."